Age UK Mid Mersey – Case Study

Age UK Mid Mersey is an independent, registered charity working with and on behalf of older people in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens, and Warrington. We provide older people with a range of health, wellbeing and care services, giving them more choice, independence and control in their everyday lives. With a particular focus on tackling loneliness…

Data Back up

Webinar – Protecting your Assets

Data is like trust, it takes a life time to build, a split second to lose! Effective data backup should be a major focus for any organisation. Without a carefully crafted approach to backup, and a strategic plan to work through and recover from disasters, an organisation runs substantial risks Join us on 16th September,…

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Benefits of Cloud Computing

The impact of 2020 has changed our workplace practices and behaviours for the long term. Before 2020 many saw the benefits of cloud to be focused around cost savings and innovation. 2020 fast tracked the digital transformation within organisations, many being forced to switch to the cloud overnight to facilitate remote working and then new…

North East Business Awards

North East Business Awards Finalists

We are delighted to announce that Smart IT has been shortlisted in the prestigious North East Business Awards for the Apprenticeships, Training & Skills Award. This award recognises businesses that have implemented a successful apprentice, training or skills programme as an integral part of developing their workforce providing opportunities for the younger generation in the…